Mushroom Flowers 1/2 Yard Bundle
Mushroom Flowers has a definite earthy vibe. I love that mushroom print from Woodland Wildflowers by Fancy That Design House. That was my inspiration for the rest of the bundle. The brown gingham and yellows play so nicely and the soft greens just tie it all together. This bundle also plays nicely with last month’s bundle Warm Woods.
Camp Gingham - Graham - Fableism
Denim Daisies - Forest Forage - Fableism
Cognac Honeycomb - Forest Forage - Fableism
Square Up - Tawny - Cotton + Steel
Denae - Rosy Deco - Amy Maccready - Cloud9 Fabrics
Freckles - Flamingo - Cotton + Steel Basics
Woodland Wildflowers - Cream - Fancy That Design House - Moda Fabrics
Flowing Leaves - Flower Garden - Hang Tight Studio - Cloud9 Fabrics
Sweetbriar - Peaches and Cream - Rachel Erickson - Riley Blake
Arroyo Sol - Meadow Horizon - Moss - Cotton + Steel
Road to Round Top - Hidden Gems - Art Gallery Fabrics - Elizabeth Chappell