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30% Off Regular Priced Fabric

So many gorgeous bolts have arrived that while I love being surrounded by all this happiness, it’s clear these fabrics need to find their forever homes (with you!) Use "30OFF" at checkout to get 30% off any regularly priced fabric!

Hand-Picked for You

A few things picked just for you.

Splendid Scoop

Henrietta Quilt Pattern and Kit for Kitty Christmas by Moda

Henrietta Quilt Pattern and Kit

Meet Henrietta! Have you seen the Kitty Christmas collection? Kitty Christmas is Urban Chiks' latest fabric line featuring a charming midcentury cat in a stocking. When I first laid eyes on it, I couldn't wait to design a quilt using this adorable panel. The result? The delightful Henrietta quilt pattern!

By Suzanne Jackman

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